Lip fillers are a great way to boost your confidence and change something about your appearance that you don’t like. Whether you want fuller or perkier lips, lip fillers can do a lot to change how you feel about your lips.

For those who have never undergone a lip filler procedure, it can seem scary or overwhelming. To help ease your doubts and answer some questions, here’s an introductory guide to lip fillers.

Looking for the best lip fillers in Orlando?

What Are Lip Fillers?

Lip fillers are a temporary cosmetic treatment that uses hyaluronic acid to make your lips appear plumper or fuller. Depending on how quickly your body metabolizes through the filler, they’ll last between three months to a year. Of course, it also depends on what type of lip filler injection you choose.

The hyaluronic acid used for lip fillers is safe for use as it is a naturally occurring sugar in your body. Since it’s natural for your body, there’s no need for allergy testing beforehand.

Does Getting Lip Fillers Hurt?

The process of injecting lip fillers is rather painless, though some people may feel a little discomfort. This depends on your sensitivity levels. Before the procedure, a numbing cream is applied to the area to help minimize discomfort.

Once you’ve undergone the procedure, it’s normal for your lips to bruise and swell. Swelling may last up to two weeks, but this depends on each patient as your body may react differently than others. 

How Should You Prepare for the Procedure?

There isn’t an extensive list of things to do to prepare for your appointment, as receiving lip fillers is a very non-invasive procedure. To help minimize discomfort, though, and help you feel more prepared or less stressed, there are a few things you can do leading up to your appointment.

While you may be tempted to take some painkillers beforehand, you should avoid all types of blood-thinning medications such as Advil for a few days before your procedure. You should also avoid alcohol.

Make sure to wash your face before you come in for your appointment. Your injector will sanitize the injection area before starting, but coming in with a clean face will help reduce the risk of any post-procedure complications.

If you’re worried about pain, taking a painkiller with acetaminophen is alright. Medication such as Tylenol is safe and can prevent your lips from feeling sore after your appointment.

What Is the Recovery Time?

Since receiving lip fillers is a non-invasive procedure, there is no necessary recovery time. While you may choose to take some time off, it isn’t required. Your lips may feel sore, though, and there may be visible bruising and swelling, so you may decide to take a few days off work or avoid events. This is entirely up to you, though.

What Should You Avoid After the Procedure?

For 24 hours after your appointment, avoid any strenuous physical activity and avoid alcohol. This will help reduce possible bruising and encourage a speedy recovery.

Although you may be tempted to, don’t massage your lips. This can result in the lip filler settling incorrectly or moving it to a location where you don’t want it. Touching or massaging the area will only cause further irritation and can cause problems, so it’s best to leave the area alone.

To avoid any complications, don’t schedule any dental appointments for two weeks after your appointment. 


Lip filler treatments should only be performed by certified professionals like us, so make sure the person doing your procedure has the necessary training and certifications. This will ensure you have a safe and speedy recovery and reduce the risks of something going wrong before, during, or after the procedure.